Elephants are only native to two continents - Africa and Asia. There have never been elephants in Japan, other than those in captivity. Fossil mammoths have been found in Japan however.
Elephants burrie other elephants bones and usually the stay by the grave for 2-3 weeks.
yes their are american elephants in america but there are other kinds of elephants too!
Some other slang terms for forgetting include brain fart, mental lapse, and having a mind blank.
No because elephants are herbivores. It's the other way around, tigers can hunt elephants
Timmy's talent is singing and his other talent is doing back flips.
Is someone who buys contracts from either other talent scouts or from an talent agency.
they live in the jungle as opposed to a zoo ^^
Elephants and penguins never meet. They live in completely separate parts of the world. If they did, both would likely keep their distance from the other, as a simple matter of staying away from something that might try to eat you.
Claws are typically a predator's tool. Predator's need them for catching, disabling, holding down, and tearing into prey and other predators. Elephants aren't predators or carnivores and they don't need to climb trees for safety. Since they don't eat meat, elephants never had to develop claws to survive.
There are several synonyms for the term 'forgetting' or 'forget', for example 'dismissing'. Similarly, other words such as escape or bypass could be used.