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a Congress or Troop. Recently the name Flange has been introduced

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

A group of baboons is a troop or a flange.

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How many baboons in a congress of baboons?

None, a group of Baboons is called a Troop.

Is a group of baboons called a parliament?

No it is a group of owls

What is the proper name for a group of Baboons?

It is a "congress". Seems appropriate, given what we see regularly.

Why do baboons live in South Africa?

Baboons lived in this part of the world long before it was called South Africa. The habitat is just right for Chukma baboons

What are male and female baboons called?

If you mean like a cow and a bull. Then I am sorry they are just called Baboons. If you mean a collective group they are called a troop, flange or congress

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What is the nickname for Baboons?

I think a group of baboons is called a "congress" seriously!!

A geographical region that contains a characteristics assemblage of plants and animals is called a?

A geographical region that contains a characteristic assemblage of plants and animals is called a biome. Biomes are areas with the same climatic conditions.

What group of birds is called a congress?

A group of owls is called a parliament, not a congress.

Is a group of baboons called a congress?

No. The collective noun for a group of baboons is a 'troup.' Just a pedantic nitpick but the spelling is Troop.

What group of animals is called a congress?

A group of baboons can be called a congress. Sorry, this is a fallacy started by a chain email a few years ago, the correct collective noun for Baboons is a troop. Partially correct: a group of baboons can be EITHER a troop or a CONGRESS ! Yes it is called a congress!

What is the crying of a baboon called?

Baboons cry and call.