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To keep native plants and grasses under control and to provide a food source for large preditors.

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Q: What is a wild mustangs role in their habitat?
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Related questions

Where do you get facts about wild mustangs?

Google information about wild mustangs

Are there wild mustangs in Canada?

Of corse not!! Wild mustangs are only found in the United States. Althouth wild mustangs came from Canada the Government moved them all to America because the mustangs were eating all the food that was grown.

Where does wild mustangs live?

In the wild.

How can you save wild mustangs?

We can make reservations for the mustangs or make it against the law to kill the mustangs.

Are wild mustangs domesticated?

most mustangs are not domesticated but some may be.

What kind of habitat do mustangs live in?

Mustangs live in large grassy areas called grasslands.

Mustangs bigger than domestic horses?

No, Mustangs are just wild horses.

What are facts about mustangs?

their wild and active

What is a herd of wild horses called?

American wild horses are generally called mustangs.

Where in the world do wild mustangs live?

Many countries have wild mustangs. The United States has them in much of the west, like Nevada. Australia also have wild mustanags. They call them brumbies.

How big can wild mustangs get?

21 HH ;)

What kind of horses survive in the wild?
