

Best Answer

Dolphins are unique because they don't go into a deep slep, or they'll suffocate. They let only have of their brain sleep so they later can come up and get a breath. D olphins are like an annoying kid that'll never SHUT UP! There are two meaning of when the make a nooise: it's communicating or navigational speaking.

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Q: What is a unique abilities of a dolphin?
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Is there anything unique about a dolphin?


What makes dolphin unique?

there sense of watch and care

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it is something that i do not know

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Caracals have unique hunting abilities for cats: you can find more on the link.

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The main unique ability of fish is that they can breath and live underwater.

Is dolphin language developed?

No it is a jean It is developed to a degree. For example, a dolphin kid learns it's unique call from it's mother at birth and it appears that this call is used as the dolphin's name.

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What makes the dolphin so unique?

it is capable of doing things that other mammals can't.

What is a boto dolphin?

The Boto dolphin, or Amazon River Dolphin, is also called the Boutu or Pink River Dolphin. It is a freshwater dolphin living in the Amazon and Orinoco River basins in South America. It is endangered, and eats mainly fish, but will also eat shrimp, turtles and some amphibians.

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