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do u mean welsh section d? if so it means welsh cob

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A Welsh pony or cob.

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Q: What is a section D horse?
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What height will a section d horse grow to?

just answer it plz

What is the best horse for a short person?

section a and d welsh ponies:]<3

What is the average weight for a 14.1 welsh section d?

A section D Welsh Cob tends to be a bit heavier in build, however the overall conformation of the horse will affect it's weight more so than just its height. If the Section D is a bit more narrow in build, then it will likely weigh less than a broader built horse of the same height. That all said a Welsh Section D typically weighs in the 750 to 1000 pound range ( 340 kg-453kg or 53 st - 71 st.)

When a horse is section a is it better than a section c horse?

depending on what type of pony you want!They are however very similar but section As are smaller and not as heavy built (less sturdy) as a section c (wich stands for cob)

On a horse's halter what is a D ring?

The D shaped, metal ring on the side of a horse's halter.

What is is the name of the horse section of the army?


What is the d section in the newspaper called?

The d section in a newspaper is typically called the "Lifestyle" section. It usually covers topics such as entertainment, fashion, travel, food, and culture.

What was the name of the horse section in the army?

It was called the cavalry.

How can name the most horse breeds?

Arabardenaisbarbbolonassiscanadian cutting horseprezwalskilippizzanerlusitanowelsh section awelsh section bwelsh section cwelsh section dshirehanovarianfellfriesiandalesyakutshetlandamerican shetlandminiturefalabellaquarter horsecleveland bay

Does Santa have a horse?

no santa doesnt have a horse but he has lots of reindeer :D.

What is the section of mane between the ears of a horse called?

The Poll

What has the author H D Brush written?

H. D. Brush has written: 'A new system of horse training, or, Horse education'