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giving birth? having a baby? delivering?


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Audra Weissnat

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Q: What is a pig called when its giving birth?
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Related questions

The process of giving birth is known as?

The process of giving birth is known as labor and delivery. It involves contractions of the uterus to push the baby through the birth canal for delivery.

What is female pig that has given birth?

A female pig that has given birth is called a sow.

What is farrowing?

Farrowing is the process of a pig giving birth to piglets. It typically occurs in a special area called a farrowing crate, where the sow can safely deliver and care for her offspring. Farrowing is a critical stage in pig farming as it ensures the health and survival of the newborn piglets.

what is a cat giving birth?

A cat giving birth is called 'kitting'.

How long before a pig can become fertile after giving birth?

A pig is simialr to a dog. After the babies have been weaned from their mother, about a week after, she will go into heat, and then should continue to go into heat every 21 days.

Is a female pig called when they give birth to piglets?

If you mean what is a female pig called it is a sow

What is called when a pig gives birth?


What is it called when an alpaca has a cria not lambing or calving or foaling or just giving birth?

Its called giving birth or birthing.

How does a pig give birth?

A pig gives birth by delivering piglets through the birth canal. The process is usually quick and can involve several piglets being born in a short time frame. The sow typically breaks the amniotic sac and cleans the piglets soon after they are born.

How can you see if your guinea pig is pregnant?

3-4 weeks before giving birth your guinea pig will put on a lot of wieght.She wil start to form a shape like a pear/bell.If your guinea pig is pregnant 2 weeks before giving birth you be able to feel the babies move.

What is a horse giving birth called?

um.... birth

What does it mean if a guinea pig is spotting blood before giving birth?

animals usually dont spot before giving birth they might during and after, if your worried ask a vet.