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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

an abnormally colored deer

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Q: What is a melanistic deer?
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Are there black white tailed deer?

yes ones called an African moon tailed deer its black with some brown on its eye don't kill them tere nice. you can see them on Google images. its dead though. or its some kid of doll

What are some black animals?

Black cairn terrier crow raven black jaguar (melanistic) black bear (brown muzzle) gorilla Black: dogs cats horses mice rabbits wolf fox ferret fish snakes cows melanistic animals (like black squirrels, panthers, jaguars, or deer)

How is a black panther?

There is no single species called a Black Panther. It may be a melanistic (black) leopard or a melanistic jaguar.

What are black panthers characteristics?

The Black Panther is not a single species. It may be a melanistic (black) leopard or a melanistic jaguar.

What are the black panther's classification features?

There is no distinct species known as the black panther. It can be a melanistic (black) jaguar or a melanistic leopard.

How is a black panther classified?

There is no single species called a black panther. It may be a melanistic (black) leopard or a melanistic jaguar.

Are there melanistic arctic wolves?


Which wild cat has a black coat?

A melanistic jaguar or a melanistic leopard - both have black coats and are collectively known as black panthers.

What is a melanistic pattern?

i wish you a merry Christmas

Are leopards born with markings?

Some leopards are born melanistic - all black. They are called black panthers, along with the melanistic jaguar.

Is Black Panther real?

The Black Panther is real but not a single species. It may be a melanistic (black) leopard or a melanistic jaguar. Both are called black panthers.

What is melanistic leopard's canine teeth size?
