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This mongrel breed is commonly called a 'Labradoodle'.

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Q: What is a half lab half poodle?
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What is ONE breed of dogs that stays hyper almost its whole life?

A Labradoodle Half lab, Half Poodle Usually very friendly and loyal Usually stay hyper almost it's entire life

What kind of lab doesn't shed?

The only kind of lab that I think of that MIGHT not shed is a Labradoodle. This is a mix between a Labrador and a poodle. Poodle are hypoallergenic because they have hari instead of fur, so if a labradoodle has the poodle coat it might be hypoallergenic, but it would still shed.

What is ONE breed of dog that usually stays hyper around it's whole life?

Labradoodle Half Lab, Half Poodle Usually very friendly and loyal Usually stays hyper almost it's entire life

What do you call a dog that's half poodle and half poodle?

it is called a bosoodle. my best friend has one.

Is there a breed that looks like a Golden Retriever but is small and doesn't shed that much?

If you were to find a dog that is half Golden Retriever and half Poodle and Lab. Poodle and Lab mixed together, a Labrodoodle, has short hair, non-shed, and no allergy, so if you mixed that with a Golden R, you could get the personality of a Golden and hair of a LabroDoodle.

If you mate a poodle and a lab will the puppy be cute?

Of course it will..That mix is called a labradoodle.

What other dog than a poodle is big and shed a lot?

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What is Ashley Tisdales dog?

Ashley Tisdale's dog is a Maltipoo named Maui. It is a mix between a Maltese and a Poodle breed.

Is a lab a good dog to have if you have allergies?

Not at all! Try a poodle If you are allergic to dog hair and pet dander you should not a lab. they shed A LOT!!!

Why do puppies that have oodle in their name look the same?

Because they're all 'designer dogs' aka mutts. Oodle comes from poodle, ex labraDOODLE is a lab poodle mix, goldendoodle is a golden retriever poodle mix.

What are the top 5 dogs people buy?

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