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Q: What is a group of people descended from common ancestors?
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Is a group of people descended from the same ancestors?

A group of people descended from the same ancestor is a family or a bunch of relatives. Sometimes, if more organized, they may be called a clan or a tribe.

Mammals and birds are descended from what group of vertebrates?

Mammals and birds are both descended from a group of vertebrates known as archosaurs. This group included early reptiles and gave rise to both dinosaurs (which birds evolved from) and the ancestors of mammals.

What does iwi mean to Maori?

Extended kinship group, tribe, nation, people, race - often refers to a large group of people descended from a common ancestor.

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What group of people do anthropologists believe the most of alaska's native people are descended from?

What is a Group of common descent?

A group of relatives, a family with the same ancestors.

What does 'tribes' mean?

A larger social group than a family, containing several unrelated groups of people.

A group of people descended from the same ancestor?


What is the name given to a group of people descended from the same ancestor?

A group of people all descended from the same ancestor may be called a family, a clan, a tribe, or a people, depending on the context.

What is a group of people who share the same ancestors culture language or religion?

A group of people who share the same ancestors, culture, language, or religion is commonly referred to as an ethnic group.

What is a group of people descended from the same ancestor called?

A clan.

Which characteristics do scientists to use to group species?

Scientists use Ancestors and DNA to group DNA.

Why are Chinese people looks similar?

The Chinese people all look similar because they share common DNA and genetic characteristics. They stem from a common group of interrelated ancestors and have inherited their traits from them.