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An introduction about a Panda should include some information on the animal. It should also include a thesis statement about the essay.

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Q: What is a good topic sentence for a panda essay?
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Nobody can write your topic sentence but you. We don't know what you're going to write in your essay. Your topic sentence should tell what your essay will be about. One easy way to get a good topic sentence is just to write the essay first, then go back and make a great topic sentence once you're finished.

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Topic sentences relate to paragraphs not essays, essays are made up of several paragraphs. A paragraph topic sentence depends on what the points are in the essay as I don't anything about your essay plan it would be senseless for me to suggest a topic sentence

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If you have a topic sentence re-write the topic sentence in the ending and don't pull in any facts!

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A good topic sentence for an essay on drunk driving could be: "Drunk driving is a serious and preventable problem that continues to impact society in devastating ways." This sentence sets the tone for the essay and introduces the main focus of the topic.

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a good topic is a topic that is not too detailed, attracts your reader, wanting them to continue to read our writing... dont go into too much detail or it confuses the reader

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If you mean grabber as in an attention grabber as in a topic sentence of an essay, here are some good ways: use an interesting quote that has to do with your essay use a short suspenseful story

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I don't know...figure it out!

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You can start the essay with a poem related to that topic

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An essay has a theme, supporting paragraph separated by transitions and a conclusion. In a topic paragraph, there is a main sentence (the topic sentence) which functiosn as the theme of the paragraph. There are usually several sentences that suport that topic sentence, just like in an essay, and a good topic paragraph will usually end with transition to the next topic paragraph. Some topic paragraphs may also have concluding statements.

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it depends

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You need to make your conclusion sentence fit your essay topic. There are dozens of ways you could write about cougars, but we don't know what topic about cougars that you used. So it is impossible to give you a concluding sentence, because we don't know your specific topic.

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