

Best Answer

Girl Azura – French meaning blue sky Indigo – English meaning blue-purple colour Neela – Indian meaning blue Saphia – Greek meaning blue gemstone Affera / Affery Arabic meaning blue earth colour Boy Cyan – English meaning Blueish Green Sunil – Sanskrit meaning dark blue Thanh – Vietnamese meaning bright clear blue Topaz - Latin meaning blue gemstone

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Q: What is a good name for a rabbit that is a blue color?
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What is a good team name for the color blue?

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What is a good softball name your color is navy blue and you are girls?

I think a good name would be the Blue Diamonds. (:

What is a good name for a team with light blue color?

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What is a good team name for girls wearing the color blue?

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Is Blue a good name for a girl?

well, its cool but kinda confused u know, when someone say the color "blue" it'll actually confuse u its a cool name but not very good

What color of rabbit should i get if i want the name to be pudgy?

Brown and it needs to be a bigish rabbit with floppy ears.

What is another name for a greenish blue color a greenish blue color?


What is the Original name of the color blue?

The original name of the color blue is "blae" which came from the Old English word "bla" or "blaw."

What is the name of the color blue a Smurf is?

Smurf Blue

What is a name of an electric blue color?

Cobalt Blue

What is a different word for the color blue?

another name forthe color blue is azure