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Q: What is a giant pandas ecosystem is it deserttundraor ocean?
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the ocean

Do pandas live in Mongolia?

Panda's are not endemic to Hong Kong. There are, however, Giant Panda's at the Ocean Park amusement park. In 1999 two pandas, a male named An An and a female named Jia Jia, were given to the park, and the people of Hong Kong, by the Central mainland government. The Central government also gave two additional Giant Pandas to Ocean Park in 2009; a make named Le Le and a female named Ying Ying. In addition to Giant Pandas, there are also Red Pandas (Lesser Pandas) at Ocean Park.

What zoo do pandas live in?

The West Berlin Zoo has Pandas also ocean park. Additional Info: The San Diego Zoo, in California has had Giant Pandas since 1987. There are now five Giant Pandas with a young Panda that was birthed on site and is being raised by it's mother. There are also Giant Pandas at the National Zoo in Washington DC, the Atlanta Zoo, in Georgia, and the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

Do pandas live in the ocean?

No, Pandas live in moderate climates in Asia.

Is an ocean an ecosystem?

Yes the ocean is part of the earth ecosystem!

Is Pacific Ocean an ecosystem?

No, coral reefs in the ocean are ecosystem

Pandas habitat if the pandas become extinct?

the ocean

Do crabs live in an ecosystem?

yes they live in the ocean the ocean is a ecosystem

What is the ecosystem of the ocean?

the ecosystem of ocean is that the communities found in the oceans and their interaction between them.

What are the effects of whaling on the ecosystem of the ocean?

It hurts the ecosystem:)

What is an manatees ecosystem?

the ocean is a manatees ecosystem bcause itlives there

What is a ocean giant?

giant pacific octopus