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Dall's porpoise

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Q: What is a flashy black and white porpoise?
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Related questions

What color is a porpoise?

a porpoise's color depends on its type. the main colors of a porpoise is brown to gray and lighter brown, gray, but usually white on the belly.

Where can you get cheap white thigh high boots?

um any big departmant stores and do a khaki or black cuz it is way less flashy and more flatering

What is the shape of a filler whale?

There is no such thing as a filler whale. However, there are killer whales, also known as Orcas, which are black and white with a body shape similar to that of an over sized porpoise.

What dolphin is also known as the white whale?

A dolphin is also known as a porpoise. A white whale is usually a Beluga whale.

What type of boxer mix has white paws and chest and little on nose?

they're either called flashy or fancy , they can either be a fawn (tan) or brindle (black and either red or fawn).

Is porpoise a fish?

No a porpoise is a mammal.

Why is Li'l Wayne always wearing a white shirt?

white shirts are simple and they are not hard to get a hold of. Wayne can simply get out of bed throw on a white shirt, some pants, shoes, and be on his way. someone like him doesn't need all the flashy brands, especially with flashy jewelry.

Who is intelligent a dolphin or porpoise?

I believe it is a porpoise.

What part of speech is porpoise?

Porpoise is a noun.

What is the most common porpoise?

None of the porpoises are common.AnswerThe Harbour porpoise is known as the common porpoise.

Where is the Cape Porpoise Library in Cape Porpoise located?

The address of the Cape Porpoise Library is: 173 Main Street, Cape Porpoise, 04014 7714

How does the Dall's porpoise eat?

what do the dalls porpoise eat