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Which of these isn't a euphemism for muskrat fur, but is a euphemism for muskrat meat?

Your Answer: Marsh hare

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Q: What is a euphemism for muskrat meat but not for muskrat fur?
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Which of these isn't a euphemism for muskrat fur but is a euphemism for muskrat meat?

Marsh hare

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marsh hare

What is a euphemism for muskrat meat?

marsh rabbit

What do you use muskrat fur for?

fur coats

What is Hudson seal fur coat?

A Hudson Seal fur is a muskrat fur dyed to imitate seal fur. The name Hudson Seal Fur was patented in 1907.

All fur animals are sold fur side out what is the exception?

Otters, weasels, muskrat, and wild mink are usually left 'fur in' for sale.

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Why do muskrats have furry coat?

Muskrats have very dense fur. It traps air pockets near the skin and keeps the skin dry when the muskrat swims. The air and the fur act as an insulator, keeping the muskrat warm and saving energy.

How much is muskrat fur worth?

They can be worth between 3.00 to 8.00 dollars depending on the texture and good looks of their coat/fur.

What are some of the muskrats adaptations?

the muskrat has two layers of fur to keep it warm when its swimming.

Are giraffes used for meat or fur?

giraffes are used for they're fur, not meat

How much can you sell muskrat fur for?

rule of life: any price someone will buy it for. try haggling.