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Depending on where you live and work, and the prevalent hazards in those areas, at a MINIMUM, an emergency preparedness kit should have the following items:

  • flashlight
  • battery operated radio
  • batteries
  • whistle
  • dust mask
  • pocket knife
  • emergency cash, in small amounts; quarters for pay-phones. YES, pay phones.
  • water and non-perishable foods, such as granola or protein bars
  • permanent marker, paper and tape
  • list of emergency contacts (laminated to avoid water damage)
  • copies of your identification, health insurance cards, and allergy information (laminated to avoid water damage)
  • toothbrush and toothpaste
  • comfortable walking shoes

These kits are also called GO-BAGS, and should be fairly light and portable.

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Q: What is a emergency preparedness kit?
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There are many websites that carry emergency preparedness kits. For example, Kits will range in price depending on what type of emergency you are preparing for. There are hurricane and earthquake kits, as well as blackout and terrorism kits. You also have the option of customizing your own kit.

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The best disaster preparedness starts at the individual level, by creating a personal emergency plan and assembling a basic emergency kit. From there, community and organizational preparedness efforts can be implemented to enhance the overall response to disasters.

Where can you buy a cheap emergency preparedness kit?

Shopping online would be the best place to find a cheap kit. They are compared at different stores and will cater to the type of kit you are looking for (hiking, swimming, etc.).

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