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It's the penis of a bull. Pizzles are dried up (all the water taken out of the flesh) and given to dogs to chew on.

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Q: What is a bull pizzle?
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What is a pizzle?

It's the penis of a bull. Pizzles are dried up (all the water taken out of the flesh) and given to dogs to chew on.

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It is referred to as a "Bull."It is referred to as a "Bull."It is referred to as a "Bull."It is referred to as a "Bull."It is referred to as a "Bull."It is referred to as a "Bull."

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They kill it. The death of the bull is the climax of the bull fight.

What is an adult bull called?

A bull. Or, if you want to be more specific, a mature bull. Otherwise, just "a bull" works just fine.

Does ''what'' ''bull'' make any sense?

no because their can not be what bull.what bull is not also a sentence