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Q: What is English food like?
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FOOD! Particularlly Nandos,an english/irish restraunt.

What does a english settler use to buy food?

Most English settlers were subsistence farmers, raising the food they needed. They also would barter with other settlers - like trading 8 eggs for a loaf of bread.

What are examples of glocalisation?

Pidgin English, alcohol-free perfumes in Muslim community, making Mcdonals food spicier in communities where they like spicy food/adding local spices to the food

Is pasta English food?

no, it is Italian food

What is 'good food' when translated from English to Italian?

"Good food!" in English is Buon cibo! in Italian.

How are of India and England alike?

People like to eat Indian food and watch English football in both countries.

Why do we call food food?

Because of the English language

How is Australia's food different from English food?

because there is a difference in what english people eat and what austraians eat.

What is 'my favorite food' when translated from English to French?

"My favorite food" in English is mon plat préféré in French.

How do you say A ti y a Carmen les gusta preparar la comida in English?

"Do you and Carmen like to make food?"