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There are two categories for this: the largest known land mammal in Britain's wildlife would be the antlered red stag/deer; the largest known domesticated mammals in Britain are the steer bulls - at least four are taller than six feet and weigh in at more than a ton each.

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Q: What is Britain's largest land mammal?
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The largest land mammal is the elephant while the largest sea mammal and the largest mammal in general is the blue whale.

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Elephants are the largest land mammal, but the biggest mammal in the world is not on land, but in the ocean--whales are definitely the largest mammals in the world.

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There are no land mammals in or on Antarctica. There are only marine mammals.

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By almost any absolute measurement, the blue whale is the biggest mammal living today. It can grow up to 100 feet and weigh more than 100 tons. On land its the African elephant.

What is the largest mammal living today?

The largest mammal living right now are the blue whales and the largest land mammal are elephants.Blue Whale Balaenoptera musculus.Well, the question states, "on the earth" as far as land mammals, it would be the elephant.