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Q: What innate behaviors do Okapi have?
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What are innate animal behaviors influenced by?

i think the innate animal behaviors will be influenced by environment in a way.

What is A behavior that is genetically determined and that cannot be modified?

Instincts are behaviors that are genetically determined and cannot be modified. These are innate behaviors that animals are born with and are typically crucial for survival.

Are hummingbirds a learned or a innate behaviors?

Its an innate genetic behaviour

How do you acquire innate behaviors?

Innate behaviors are not acquired. That is why they are called innate. You are born with them. Examples include instincts, such as a baby knowing how to crawl without being taught.

Detail the For and Against arguments for innate and learned behaviors?

For innate behaviors: These behaviors are instinctual and do not require any learning or experience. They are usually advantageous for survival and can be passed down through genetics. Against innate behaviors: Innate behaviors may not be as flexible as learned behaviors and could limit an individual's ability to adapt to changing environments or circumstances. For learned behaviors: These behaviors are acquired through experience, observation, and practice, allowing individuals to adapt and thrive in various environments. They are highly adaptable and can be modified based on new information. Against learned behaviors: Learned behaviors can be time-consuming to acquire, may be influenced by individual biases, and can be lost if not continually practiced or reinforced.

What is another name for inherited behaviors?

Instinct or innate behaviour.

Do bees have any innate learned behaviors?

Your question is meaningless an innate behavior is one that is present at birth and therefore by definition can not be learned. Thus the words "innate learned behaviors" are just wrong!

What are the innate behaviors of deer?

that they can tack placeas

Can Innate behaviors be changed?

Innate behaviors are largely genetically determined and less likely to be changed compared to learned behaviors. While some aspects of innate behaviors can be modified through environmental factors or experience, the core of these behaviors tends to remain consistent.

What are some Innate animal behaviors?

Some examples of innate animal behaviors include sucking for infants, nest building for birds, and web-spinning for spiders. These behaviors are genetically programmed and do not require learning or experience.

Explain the relation between innate behaviors and genetics?


Which is a component of innate behaviors?

"Genetics" - Gradpoint Mrs. Degenarro :)