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If your hamster runs away when you try to pick it up, it either feels threatened, intimidated, or scared. Try taking it slowly, by constantly talking to it so it can feel comfortable near your voice, and feeding it a few treats every day. It is normal for hamsters to flee when you try to hold it, so be patient and let it get used to you.

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Q: What if your hamster runs away when you try to pick him up?
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Your hamster gets lost easily what do you do?

If your hamster gets lost when you try to pick it up, cup your hands so it doesn't make it uncomfterable like a preditor is eating it, but so it won't escape but is comfertable.Why your hamster is scared of youWell, it could be scared because it has never seen a human. Or, more likely, almost every hamster is scared at first. Try watching it a couple days and then hand feed it.My hamster is name Aphrodite (Afroe-DITEE), named after love. But, when I try to pet her, she either runs away or bites me and runs away. The deal is, she always runs away! So, I get a glove on without fluff balls (or hamster might bite the fluffy glove and choke on a fluff ball) and I try to pick it up without bringing her out of the cage and I stroke her close to the bottom of the cage in-case she falls. She soon calmed down and got used to my smell and didn't bite.Follow these steps and you and your hamster will fall in-love

Everytime you try and pick up your hamster he tries to bite you?

Obviously, your hamster is still scared of you. Try petting it, fedding it, anything that will make a hamster get to know you better.

How do you make your hamster get used to you?

If it is a new hamster then the best way is to put your hand it's the cage with a treat on it, if the hamster takes the treat and quickly runs away this is fine. Do this a few times every day and you should soon be able to start picking your hamster up without any treats. If hamster bites you whilst you pick it up this is probably because they stressed, or nervous, so just put hamster back in cage.(Don't shake hand to try and get hamser to release grip as you may injur hamster).

How do you get a hamster out out of its cage?

you open the door of the cage and cup your hands and try to pick him up from underneath if he/she bites you use gloves or a towel

What does it mean when your hamster runs away from you a lot?

its scared basically it just needs to get used to you eventually it wont get scared try and hold food in your hand while holing it and it will become less frightened

Why do your two teddy bear hamsters not let you pick them up and try to hide from you?

They're probably scared, and you may have not befriended them yet. Try some baby food, it works with my hamster. I let my hamster sit on my head when he wants to nowadays, but it is because of the baby food :) Try it!

How do you get my hamster in the ball?

There are a couple of ways. First take the top off then either pick it up and put it in or try with a treat by showing the hamster the treat to the hamster then putting the treat in the hamster ball.After awhile our hamster loved her ball so much all we had to do was open and put the ball near her and she would climb in on her on.

How does a dog do when it is afraid?

it moans or runs away or try to bite just because they are scared it moans or runs away or try to bite just because they are scared

Can a hamster have the name of one of the mindless behavior members?

Yes, it's your choice what you name your hamster. However, you should remember that you will have your hamster for a long time. You may start to dislike the band later on but still have your hamster with that name. Try to pick a name that you are completely sure about and aren't likely to change your mind on.

Why is it when you try to pick up or pet your hamster it will bite you and if you use a towel or something he just jumps out of your hands what do you do?

the hamster is scared when you corner it or put your hand s towards its face .the best thing to do is rub the sawdust from inside the cage in your hands then try to relax your hand with the Pam of the hand facing up. then the hamster will sniff the sawdust in your hand it should go on your hand but try not to lift it as it might get scared again ,try and put food in your finger tips and feed hamster as the fingertips seems to be smaller than the Pam of your hand .then give time for your pet hamster to trust you .

What should you do if you get a bite by a dwarf hamster?

Fist things fist. Wash the bite with soap and water. The next time you try to pick up your dwarf hamster wear a thick glove with your sent. Do this everyday for 5 minutes and eventually he will get used to you.

How do you make a chinchilla on Alchemy Genetics?

You add Hamster and Hippopotamus.Hippopotamus+Hamster. If it does not work try Hamster+Hippopotamus.