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It means the cat likes you.

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Q: What if a neabers a cat constantly hits and rubs her head against me What does that mean?
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Why does a woodpecker need a strong skull?

Yes. Because it is constantly hitting its beak against a surface, it occasionally hits its head.

Why does your head hurt when you shake it?

You head hurts when you shake it because your brain hits against you skull

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Butting, headbut

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she likes you

When was Head Hits Concrete created?

Head Hits Concrete was created in 1999.

When did Head Hits Concrete end?

Head Hits Concrete ended in 2004.

When a cat constantly hits and rubs her head against mine What does that mean?

When a cat rubs her head against you, it is a sign of affection and marking you with her scent. Cats have scent glands in their cheeks that they use to mark objects or people they are comfortable with. This behavior is their way of showing trust and familiarity towards you.

What happens an object falls?

It falls, accelerating constantly until it hits the ground.

When did NFL start enforcing head to head hits rules?

IN the Year 1998

Is smashing your head against a keyboard bad for you?

yes. the brain is a soft tissue organ it only floats in the goo in your head. when it hits some thing with enough force, such as hitting it on a keyboard or getting into a car accident, your brain smashes into your skull and causes what is known as trauma.

What does 4 hits of acid do to you?

it will turn your head into a pumpkin.

What is the proper adjustment of the head restraint?

It should be positioned so the back of your head hits the restraint and not your neck.