sometimes its because of what they eat or they might just be sick.Check if his collar is too tight.
Horses can choke when a piece of food or a foreign object becomes stuck in their esophagus, causing an obstruction. This can happen if they eat too quickly, especially with dry or coarse food. Choking in horses is a serious condition as it can lead to respiratory distress and requires immediate veterinary attention.
sounds like an infection!
He kind of sounds like Danny Trejo.
Sounds like he has a respiratory infection of some kind.
It sounds more like a short, sharp wheeze than an actual cough like humans make.
Chihuahuas often have a condition called a collapsed trach. This means that when they get very excited or upset their windpipe actually collapses for a short period of time. Sometimes it sounds like coughing, or wheezing. It can be frightening for both the animal and the owner, but just soothe your Chihuahua and she'll soon be breathing easy again.Source: Chihuahua owner
a hairball is a long shaped cylinder that is packed with fur or hair. it can be formed when a cat is licking or grooming itself.
If the baby is coughing deeply (chest depresses with each exhale and cough sounds like a seal barking) your baby might have whooping cough. This requires a trip to the doctor or emergency room for breathing treatments.
Sounds like it is time to visit a vet!
Like what the cat has eaten. Best idea is not to taste it at all.
Assuming this boxer is a dog, sounds like it had some sort of trauma to the chest area. A trip to the vet is advised.