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a gorilla

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Q: What has four legs two thumbs and a white man?
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What sheep looks like?

sheep have white wool they are an animal they have four legs there hole body is white

What has four legs when it is a youngster two legs when it is middle aged and three legs when it is old?

an old man with his stick

What actors and actresses appeared in The Man with Four Legs - 2014?

The cast of The Man with Four Legs - 2014 includes: Charlotte Asprey as Samantha Daniel Ormerod as Tom Richard Southgate as Angus

One voice 4 legs 2 legs 3 legs?

This is an old riddle...What has one voice, but four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three at night? The answer is "man"...4 legs=crawling, 2 legs is walking, 3 legs is walking with a cane.

What creature goes on four in the morn two at and three at night?

A man four legs as a baby two as a man three as an old person with a cane

what walks on four legs, then on two legs, then on three legs?

a baby crawls on four legs, then a boy walks on two legs and then an old man walks on three legs because he has a cane

What creatures are half man and half horse and have four legs greek mythology?

They are centaurs.

How is gorilla related to man?

we both have opposable thumbs!

In Oedipus the king what is the riddle of the Sphinx?

The "riddle of the Sphinx" is: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the middle of the day, and three at night?

Do raccoons have opposable thumbs?

Yes, raccoons have very dexterous front paws that can grasp and manipulate objects, although they do not have opposable thumbs like humans do. Their paws allow them to open latches, manipulate food, and perform other tasks with precision.

What riddle did Oedipus solve?

The riddle of the Sphinx which goes as follows:What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?Oedipus was able to answer the question correctly: Man.

No legs lay one leg Two legs sat near on three legs four legs got some?

That almost reads like the riddle from "The Hobbit". But the "one leg" seems incorrect. No legs is a fish. Two legs is a Man Three legs is a 3-legged stool Four legs is a dog(?) Not sure what the 1 leg is. I have a recording of J. R. R. Tolkien reading this chapter from his book. Good show. I am the one who put on this riddle. Yes, this is the exact wording from The Hobbit. I am sure of it, because I have the book in front of me. Four legs is cat. One leg is plate. A fish lying on a table, a man sitting nearby on a stool, and the cat got some of the fish.