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We just found out. We encountered a huge sand mound in a forest. We put a video camera on a stick with a red light and stuck it in the hole. The huge boar black bear grogglily lifted his head, looked at the light and snapped a bit. Basically, he was more interested in sleeping and we were not going to poke the fella to find out his limits...

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6y ago
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12y ago

Bears hibernate, or sleep, because there isn't enough food during the winter to eat. They choose a cave, a hollow tree, or dig a hole for a bed to sleep in. Their hearts and lungs work slowly. They do not eat or drink. They use the fat in their bodies for food

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13y ago

You could, but I would highly recomend not doing so.

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7y ago

Bears do not truly hibernate. Instead, they enter a stage of torpor during the winter, just a deep sleep. However, they can quickly awaken. In true hibernation they could not do this.

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14y ago

it gets angry.

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What do bear do in hibernate?

they sleep, remember that they ate alot before hibernating.

What are the three hibernating animals in this country?

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It Sleeps! :D

Can you wake a sleeping bear?

ablsolutly not! the last thing you would want to do is wake up a hibernating bear. they can be very harmful and will attack.

What so cool about a black bear hibernating?

Well they get to sleep all winter and stay warm

How do you wake your sleeping mother who acts like a hibernating bear?

With a hot cup of coffee and a smile.

Do giraffes hibernate?

No, they do not, but an example of a hibernating animal is a bear.