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By domestic you mean American shorthair?

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Q: What happens when a Siamese cat and a Domestic cat is combine?
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How do you combine the sentences The cat is a Siamese - The cat purrs softly when stroked?

"The siamese cat purrs softly when stroked," combines these sentences. Alternately, you could say,"The cat is a siamese and purrs softly when stroked."

Can a lynx defeat a Siamese cat?

The lynx is more that twice the size of a domestic cat so would have no problem defeating a Siamese.

What are the sizes of Siamese cats?

The Siamese cat isn't the biggest cat around nor the smallest however its on the smaller side of the cats smaller then the domestic cat.

What happens if your Siamese cat has green eyes?

Its not a full blooded Siamese cat if it has green eyes but, it is a really awesome looking cat though

What is a Siamese cat's prey?

A Siamese cat's prey is the same as any other domestic cat's prey: small mammals (usually rodents), birds, fish (when they can catch them), insects, and spiders.

Do Siamese cats have 30 teeth?

Yes. All breeds of domestic cat have thirty teeth.

Is domestic cats the same thing as a Russian blue cats?

A Russian blue cat is a specific breed of domestic cat. Other breeds of domestic cat include Siamese, Ragdoll, American Curl, Maine Coon, Abyssinian, etc.

If my pet was a Siamese would I have a dog or a cat?

Siamese is a cat breed

What is an Ocicat?

An ocicat is a new breed of cats, derived from crossing a chocolate point Siamese with a hybrid Abyssinian pointed Siamese. An ocicat resembles a 'wild' cat because of it's spotted coloring, but has the temperament of a domestic cat.

What is the name of the Siamese cat in The Incredible Journey?

Sassy. And that is not a Siamese cat it is a Himalayan cat.

Is a Siamese a cat or a dog?

first of all, bread is a food and there is no Siamese bread. however Siamese is a cat BREED