the only thing i am sure of is that your face cannot puff up because of cats. if you
really are allergic to cats, then get a black one. most people arent allergic to black
cats as much as they are with any other. also you can get a Siamese cat.
Not necessarily; some people are only allergic to cats or dogs and not both. Not necessarily; some people are only allergic to cats or dogs and not both.
Yes, I'm prety sure of that. Peolple who are alergic to cats are allergic to any cats!
TIE!people aren't allergic to cats more then dogs.same thing with dogs.
A lot more people are allergic to cats than dogs ( I think twice as many).
People who are allergic to cats aren't really allergic to their fur. Their allergic to the dandruff a cat produces as an adult. Since kittens don't have dandruff people aren't really allergic to them. So I doubt that people allergic to cat's are allergic to fancy mice but if they produce the same dandruff it could be.
depends what they are allergic to in cats. Some people are allergic to the antibodies, some are allergic to hair etc.. To know for sure, contact your doctor and ask what you are specifically allergic to and find out whether it is in the rodent that you want to get
He is said to be allergic to cats.
Cats carry dandruff in their skin and this is what causes allergies.Try getting close to the cat and sniff her fur a few times.If something happens, you are still allergic.
Any animal can be allergic to any substance just like humans sometimes cats are allergic to certain minerals in their food if this happens contact your doctor immediately
No, cats are not allergic to cashews.
No. Cats have fur with curtain bugs that keep up the moisture in their skins. Rabbits have textured oil as do dogs.