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Without eating natural food a Baboon may not survive long enough for the teeth to become a problen

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Q: What happens to baboons teeth when they don't eat there natural food?
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What happens when you don't where your retainer?

Your teeth move, i wear a retainer and if i dont wear it every night my teeth will move, You will GET SPACES. wear your retainer everyday and night to have the best result.

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Nothing.Its a natural thing so dont worry about it.

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Hitler's teeth came in after he was born as children's teeth do. During his life, though, his natural teeth gave away, and by his death most of his theeth had been replaced.

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Losing teeth is natural and a definite part of maturing. However, after the loss of the baby teeth and the regrowth of the adult teeth, no further teeth are supposed to fall out.

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What happens when you have your braces and your baby teeth falls out?

if your baby teeth falls out, it doesn't matter because it was going to fall out anyway. the whole point of braces are to make your teeth tighten and get them straight so when it was tightening your teeth, i think it caused your baby teeth to wobble and fall. but its ok because at least its not your adult teeth so dont worry! :)

Do grsshoppers bite?

No they dont they actually dont have teeth.

Beak is to teeth as nest is to?

Air. Beaks dont have teeth