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It could be the cat is getting enough water from his food if being fed canned or pouched food.

Cats are notoriously bad drinkers, even when they are thirsty. This is because they have evolved to get all their needed moisture from their prey (their ancestors were cats that lived in very dry and arid environments where water was hard to come by). It is a trait that has been passed down over the thousands of years.

There are several things you can do to increase how much water your cat is intaking. By far the easiest option is to feed a wet food diet. Canned or pouched food has anywhere between 60 to 80% water. Seeing as in the wild a cat's prey is around 70% water, wet food provides a cat with more than enough water each day.

If you feed dry food, it may be ideal to and incorporate at least some wet food into the cat's diet each day, so your kitten gets at least some water.

Another way to increase water intake is to leave a tap on, or purchase a pet water fountain. Many cats are fickle when it comes to water and will only drink fresh moving water. A running tap or fountain keeps water constantly moving and fresh, and both methods are very successful in enticing a cat to drink more water.

If your cat is male, it is especially vital to make sure he is thoroughly hydrated. Male cats are much more susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTI's) which is often caused by not enough water over a period of time.

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Q: What happens if your cat drinks from your fish bowl?
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