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Q: What happens if a cat eats part of a dead starfish?
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Will a starfish live if it is cut in half?

Yes, as long as the starfish is still alive and both sides of the starfish have part of the center it can regenerate.

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Sea stars breeding?

Starfish are able to reproduce sexually and asexually. Asexually, the starfish are able to reproduce if part of the starfish's arm is removed, along with part of the central body. From that detached piece, another starfish will form, along with the first starfish regenerating a new arm where the original arm was located.

A starfish does not have which body part?

a starfish is missing a few body parts like fins and tails

What happens if part of the heart dies but the person doesn't?

When the heart dies the person is dead.

How do starfish help the environment?

Starfish help the environment in numerous ways. Namely, they keep the population of sea mollusks in check, and they keep their habitat free of barnacles and algae.

Can there be one subjects and one predicate in a sentence?

a starfish can regrow a part of its body subject-starfish predicate-regrow

What is the ambulacral ridge of a starfish?

It is the part that extends from the ring canal, all the way to the tip of the starfish. It's under the gonad.

What is the part of speech of eats?

"Eats" is a noun.

What part of the world do starfish live in?

Oceans!! Warm ones.

What is the function of the ampulla on a star fish?

The ampulla on a starfish is part of the water vascular system, and stores water and sends it to tiny tube feet on the ventral side of a starfish's arms. This process helps starfish move, as the water vascular system is the part of the starfish responsible for locomotion.

What happens to mayor penguin in paper Mario?

Well, if your at the part where he appears to be dead, (spoiler)he's not! He was just out cold.