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what happens when you pick your mole but it dose not come off your face

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Q: What happen if you pick a mole but it does not come off your face?
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What will happen if you pick the mole bumps off your neck?

You'll bleed... alot...

What would happen if you pick your mole on your neck?

it would probably bleed and leave a scar so i wouldn't do it

If you pick your mole what will happen?

It will get infected. my mom is a nurse and although she continuously told him, my father was insisted on picking his mole. when he finally did it did grow back and it was extremely sore.

If you pick a mole will it stop bleedng?

yes in an hour

What happens if you pick a mole?

A mole has its own blood supply so if pick one off you could bleed too much. It is best to have a doctor remove the moles so they can cauterize the spot if it will not stop bleeding. You are also at high risk of an infection if you try to pick a mole off by yourself.

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What happens if you pick your mole?

That very nasty to see, hear and do. If you pick the mole off it bleeds and bleeds and bleeds. it'll stop after a day or 2 then it'll heal up leavin a scar behind. use mole remover medicine or technology.

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You will come out dirty and you may pick up water born diseases.

What happens if you pick your?

That very nasty to see, hear and do. If you pick the mole off it bleeds and bleeds and bleeds. it'll stop after a day or 2 then it'll heal up leavin a scar behind. use mole remover medicine or technology.

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The cast of Pick Your Face - 1999 includes: Angus Smallwood as Himself - Host

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pick them off

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If you pick the balloon, it might pop or deflate.