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Depends on the game laws in your state. Each state has their own laws. Legal in one state is illegal in another.

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Q: What guns are illegal to hunt deer with?
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Because they are living creatures is it illegal to hunt humans? YES therefore why should it be legal o hunt boars

Is it just as illegal to hunt deer where you put out corn as it is when you hunt where there is a feeder?

Yes, if you intentionally hunt a known "baited" area.

What did they deer hunt with one hundred years ago?

They had guns then. So they used those.

What did the Haudenosaunee us to hunt?

They used spears and knives because they didn't have guns.

What are some laws for deer hunting?

check with the Delaware department of natural resources

Is it illegal to have a hunter safety card in Colorado with a felony?

No, but it IS illegal to possess a firearm. Some people hunt with bows instead of guns.

Can deer be hunted with an AK-47?

It depends. I know in Tennessee it is illegal to hunt with a fully automatic gun.

Do deer see well at night?

No. You can hunt at night but you can not use artificial light or night vision.

Is it illegal to hunt deer without a small game sticker?

yes i think so (my uncle was a game warden)

Is it legal in Oklahoma to shoot a deer with a potato gun?

It is only illegal if you kill or injure the deer when it's not in season and/or without the proper tags and licence. Most potato guns have the potential to injure a deer, and if it does, you may receive a nasty fine from the game warden. It is not illegal if the deer remains unharmed however.

How much draw weight does it take to kill a deer?

I use a 55 pound. In Ohio it is illegal to hunt deer with less than 40 or 45 (I don't remember.)

Is armor piercing ammo illegal to hunt deer in ga?

Regardless of if it is legal or not, it is not ethical to do so. AP bullets are more likely to wound and maim, but not kill the deer.