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Common Creature Name: Harp Seal

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Canivora

Family: Phocidae

Genus: Payophilus

Species: Groenlandous

Scientific Name: Payophilus groenlandicus

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12y ago
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14y ago

In the order of Kingdom, Phyla, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, the full scientific name for the Harp Seal is: Animalia, Chordata, Mammilia, Carnivora, Phociadae, Pagophilus, P. Groenlandicus.

The Phylum is basically whether they have a backbone or not. Chordata means 'yes, they do.'

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15y ago

Seals are mammals from a group known as pinnipeds, which includes walruses, sea lions and otters. The word means something along the lines of 'flippered feet' or 'finned feet'.

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13y ago

yes, they have a big family and sub off into little groups so they do

good luck every one

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11y ago

Pagophilus groenlandicus is there animal group

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15y ago

Harp Seals are mammals

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11y ago

what animal group do fur seals belong to

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Q: What group of mammals do seals and sea lions belong to?
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Is a sea lion part of the cat family?

No, sea lions are not part of the cat family. Sea lions belong to the family Otariidae, which is a group of mammals known as pinnipeds that also includes seals and walruses. Cats, on the other hand, belong to the family Felidae.

What group does a walrus belong to?

A walrus belongs to the group of marine mammals known as pinnipeds, which also includes seals and sea lions. Pinnipeds are characterized by their sleek bodies, flipper-like limbs, and ability to thrive in both water and on land.

Scientiific name for marine mammals?

Whales and dolphins are under the group called "cetaceans." Seals belong to the group of "pinnipeds."

Is a seal a reptile or amphibian?

A seal is neither a reptile nor an amphibian. Seals belong to the mammal group known as pinnipeds, which includes seals, sea lions, and walruses. They are marine mammals that are well adapted to life in the water.

Why do seals and sea lions go in the water?

Because they are mammals.

How are both seals and sea lions like humans?

they are all mammals

Why are seals and sea lions warm- blooded?

Yes, sealions are warmblooded. Sea lions are mammals and all mammals are warm blooded. however not only mammals are warm blooded, because birds are not mammals, but they are warm blooded.

What does the killers whale eat?

They feast on marine mammals such as seals, sea lions and even whales.

Name three sea mammals that are called pinnipeds?

seals, sea lions, walruses . :D

What is pinniped?

Pinnipeds are a group of marine mammals that includes seals, sea lions, and walruses. They are characterized by flippers for swimming and different adaptations for life both on land and in water. Pinnipeds can be found in oceans and other aquatic environments around the world.

In what order of marine mammals are cetaceans?

There are three orders of marine mammals; cetacea, sirenia and carnivore. The cetacea order includes whales and dolphins while the sirenia order is mostly sea cows. The carnivore order has bears, sea lions and otters.

Do mammals eat penguins?

Some do. Some aquatic mammals such as leopard seals, orca whales, sea lions, etc., feed on penguins.