The Genus of Nyphaea Alba is any water lily.
The European white water lily, Nymphaea alba, belongs to the genus Nymphaea.
The American white water lily is Nymphaea odorata Aiton.
The genus of a white oak is Quercus.
White oak is genus Quercus and species Alba.and totoro and Mario brothers
The water lily belongs to the genus Nymphaea. There are various species within this genus, such as Nymphaea odorata (fragrant water lily) and Nymphaea alba (European white water lily).
The great white shark belongs to the lamnidae family.
All four types of oak trees (Red oak, White oak, Pin oak, Post oak) belong to the genus Quercus, within the family Fagaceae. They are all native to North America and are characterized by their lobed leaves, acorn fruits, and hardwood timber.