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If your dog has parvo, it is highly unlikely your dog is eating. It should be on plenty amounts of fluids, i.e., Pedialite, Colloidal Silver, I.V., depending on the option you chose for recovery.

The two main symptoms of parvo are, vomiting and diarrhea until they are in the recovery stage.

I am sorry about your dog and hope pooch is better soon!

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12y ago

You need to take your dog in to be seen by your Veterinarian. Parvo is nothing to try to treat at home, it is way too dangerous. Until you can get your dog in to your Veterinarian, take away all water and replace with Pedialyte, can find this at the grocery store in the baby section. It will help to keep your dog hydrated without upsetting the stomach until you can get your dog into your Veterinarian.

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11y ago

Dogs with parvo will not even want to eat. Nor should they be eating if they have the virus. They will be vomiting and having explosive diarrhea. Go see your veterinarian.

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When The dog completely get rid of Parvo virus

Can a male who had parvo pass parvo sexually?

Parvo is highly contagious. So if the infected dog was near a dog that wasn't vaccinated against parvo, it is possible to infect the healthy dog whether it was sexual contact or not.

What antibiotics can you give a dog with parvo?

My dog had parvo and we learned to give the dog have a pill of Tylenol and pepto bismal

Will Tamiflu hurt a dog?

No, Tamiflu is for treating Parvo in dogs - if the dog does not have Parvo, it does not need Tamiflu.

Can pitbulls catch parvo?

Any dog can get parvo. To prevent it, go to the vet and get the shots are dog normally needs.

What do you feed your dog when it has cancer?

Ask the vet who diagnosed the cancer what foods are suitable for your dog.

Can parvo return?

No. Once your dog has had parvo, it cannot get it again, same scenario as with chickenpox.

How long does pravo last in the body of the dog?

Parvo kills your dog after the dog dies parvo can live on your land where the dog was and any place he played or laid while he had it for at least 7 years I suggest any dog you get take and get his shots A.S.A.P.!! Parvo is awful it's torture for you and your beloved dog!!!!

Where could you buy a cure for parvo at a store?

you can feed them pedialite but the best thing you can do is keep them hospitalized. Also if you cant afford to have them hospitalized, there is a product that will help your dog fight against the parvo virus. My Girlfriends little Yorkie was sick with parvo so i called Amber Technology which is an all natural Nutraceutical company. These guys have a product that works on Parvo! my dog was up and running within three days his stools hardened, stopped vomiting, and had energy! so if you are looking for a product that prevents parvo contact Amber Technology.

Can a dog get polvo from another dog?

You mean "Parvo", and yes, they can get it from another dog.

i feed my dog some healthy foods?

this is a very good thing

What foods can't you feed your dog?

Do not feed your dog chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, alcohol, caffeine, xylitol, and avocados as these foods can be toxic to dogs and cause serious health issues. It is best to stick to dog-safe foods and treats recommended by your veterinarian.