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Dogs don't really have Allergies but if you count death as one do not give a dog raisons,grapes,chocolate,or nuts they are dog poison and will kill them if a large dog eats only alittle nothing will happen but even a little bit will kill a small dog but that doesn't mean you can give that to large dogs and bones are bad the may be smooth on the out side but dogs chew their food of you break a bone in half it will be as sharp as a knife and will cut the dogs stomach or neck and will usually kill them immediately make sure dogs don't chew cans too they are just like bones but milk bones and the ones at pet stores are jusr fine.

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13y ago
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13y ago
  • Well, I know chocolate is one possible allergen for them, but it usually depends on the dog. They can be allergic to lots of things.
  • In addition to foods, dogs be allergic to house dust mites.


I think that excess chocolate comsumption can cause heart problems for dogs.

I have also heard dogs are allergic to raisins, chestnuts and macadamia nuts.

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16y ago

Dogs can be allergic to as many things as humans can. * Fleas * Dust mites * Dust * Pollens * Shampoo (only use Oatmeal Shampoo) * Skin rashes * Dry skin * Diet It's best to be sure you take your dog into the vet so the vet can determine if it's a dermatitis problem or allergy.

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16y ago

Dogs can be allergic to most anything humans can be.

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15y ago

.there can be the odd dog who can be allergic who is allergic 2 everything but generally speaking NO.. go bring ur dog to a vet if u have suspicions of him bein allergic 2 every thing.

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14y ago

Antifreeze, grapes and chocolate

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Q: What foods are dogs allergic to?
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Is there such thing as non allergic dogs?

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