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There are many human foods that are toxic to a cat:

Chocolate - Can affect the heart and nervous system causing excitement / nervousness / trembling, vomiting / diarrhoea, seizures, muscle spasms, coma and death.

Caffeine - Can affect the heart and nervous system and causes the same or similar symptoms as chocolate.

Alcohol - Giving a cat alcohol repeatedly (or a lot of) will cause liver damage, breathing difficulties, coma and even death.

Garlic (any form) - Can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia.

Onion (any form) - Can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia. Onions are more toxic than garlic.

Tomatoes (all aspects of the fruit and plant) - Can cause the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems, but mostly causes severe digestive upset.

Potatoes (Raw and plant) - Can cause the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems, but mostly causes severe digestive upset.

Mushrooms - Some species of mushroom are highly dangerous as the can cause shock and even death.

Grapes and Raisins - It is unknown why these are toxic, but even a tiny amount can severely damage the kidneys.

Macadamia Nuts - Can cause gastrointestinal upsets, lethargy, vomiting and muscle tremors or stiffness.

Foods that are potentially harmful:

Liver (in large amounts) - A small bit of raw liver on occasion is very beneficial to a cat.

COOKED bones and fish bones (including raw and cooked) - Cooked bones are very hard and brittle and will splinter which can cause obstruction or laceration in the digestive system. Raw bones are much safer as they are soft and do not splinter.

Dog Food - Dog food is vastly different to cat food so doesn't have the added Vitamins and Fatty Acids cats need, such as Taurine.

Foods high in Salt and Sugar - Too much of both can harm your cat's health (sugar can cause obesity and Diabetes and salt will cause a chemical imbalance, as well as dehydration).

Milk - Cow's milk, despite popular belief, is not tolerated by many cats as many are lactose intolerant. An adult cat gets no nutrition from any sort of milk, but specially formulated cat or kitten milk can be used as an occasional treat.

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12y ago
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13y ago

These foods are poisonous to cats.



green tomatoes

raw potatoes








apple seeds



peach pits

alcohol (of course)




Some foods are all right in small amounts, but too much can led to nutritional imbalances. These foods are liver, tuna, soy and rice bran, fat and normal milk, which has too much lactose for cats.

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12y ago

There are many human foods that are toxic to a cat:

Chocolate - Can affect the heart and nervous system causing excitement / nervousness / trembling, vomiting / diarrhoea, seizures, muscle spasms, coma and death.

Caffeine - Can affect the heart and nervous system and causes the same or similar symptoms as chocolate.

Alcohol - Giving a cat alcohol repeatedly (or a lot of) will cause liver damage, breathing difficulties, coma and even death.

Garlic (any form) - Can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia.

Onion (any form) - Can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia. Onions are more toxic than garlic.

Tomatoes (all aspects of the fruit and plant) - Can cause the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems, but mostly causes severe digestive upset.

Potatoes (Raw and plant) - Can cause the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems, but mostly causes severe digestive upset.

Mushrooms - Some species of mushroom are highly dangerous as the can cause shock and even death.

Grapes and Raisins - It is unknown why these are toxic, but even a tiny amount can severely damage the kidneys.

Macadamia Nuts - Can cause gastrointestinal upsets, lethargy, vomiting and muscle tremors or stiffness.

Foods that are potentially harmful:

Liver (in large amounts) - A small bit of raw liver on occasion is very beneficial to a cat.

COOKED bones and fish bones (including raw and cooked) - Cooked bones are very hard and brittle and will splinter which can cause obstruction or laceration in the digestive system. Raw bones are much safer as they are soft and do not splinter.

Dog Food - Dog food is vastly different to cat food so doesn't have the added Vitamins and Fatty Acids cats need, such as Taurine.

Foods high in Salt and Sugar - Too much of both can harm your cat's health (sugar can cause obesity and diabetes and salt will cause a chemical imbalance, as well as dehydration).

Milk - Cow's milk, despite popular belief, is not tolerated by many cats as many are lactose intolerant. An adult cat gets no nutrition from any sort of milk, but specially formulated cat or kitten milk can be used as an occasional treat.

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12y ago

There are many things/situations that can kill cats. Traumatic injury (fight with dog, hit by car, etc.) can kill them, as can falling from great heights (regardless of the urban myth of a cat always landing on its feet). Illness can also kill them, and there are several uncurable viruses of cats floating around the population. Cancer often kills older cats, as do organ failure (kidney and heart are the most common, depending upon breed). Simple old age can kill cats as well.

There are many poisons and toxins that can kill cats, although they don't taste the sensation of "sweet" and therefore avoid several of the more common poisons seen in dogs.

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12y ago

There are many human foods that are toxic to a cat:

Chocolate - Can affect the heart and nervous system causing excitement / nervousness / trembling, vomiting / diarrhoea, seizures, muscle spasms, coma and death.

Caffeine - Can affect the heart and nervous system and causes the same or similar symptoms as chocolate.

Alcohol - Giving a cat alcohol repeatedly (or a lot of) will cause liver damage, breathing difficulties, coma and even death.

Garlic (any form) - Can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia.

Onion (any form) - Can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia. Onions are more toxic than garlic.

Tomatoes (all aspects of the fruit and plant) - Can cause the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems, but mostly causes severe digestive upset.

Potatoes (Raw and plant) - Can cause the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems, but mostly causes severe digestive upset.

Mushrooms - Some species of mushroom are highly dangerous as the can cause shock and even death.

Grapes and Raisins - It is unknown why these are toxic, but even a tiny amount can severely damage the kidneys.

Macadamia Nuts - Can cause gastrointestinal upsets, lethargy, vomiting and muscle tremors or stiffness.

Foods that are potentially harmful:

Liver (in large amounts) - A small bit of raw liver on occasion is very beneficial to a cat.

COOKED bones and fish bones (including raw and cooked) - Cooked bones are very hard and brittle and will splinter which can cause obstruction or laceration in the digestive system. Raw bones are much safer as they are soft and do not splinter.

Dog Food - Dog food is vastly different to cat food so doesn't have the added Vitamins and Fatty Acids cats need, such as Taurine.

Foods high in Salt and Sugar - Too much of both can harm your cat's health (sugar can cause obesity and diabetes and salt will cause a chemical imbalance, as well as dehydration).

Milk - Cow's milk, despite popular belief, is not tolerated by many cats as many are lactose intolerant. An adult cat gets no nutrition from any sort of milk, but specially formulated cat or kitten milk can be used as an occasional treat.

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14y ago

anything mixed with prussic acid

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