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Yes, they are mammals so they feed milk to their young.

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How do penguins feed their young ones?

chonch se

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By breastfeeding.

How do pigeons give birth to their young?

They don't, what they do is to eat and when the food turn into fluid in the gizzard they feed that to the young ones.

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A feed trough or feed bunk. The smaller ones are called "mangers."

Why are dogs known as mammals?

They have hair , mammary glands and they feed their young ones with milk .

Why is your dog producing milk?

A female dog produces milk to feed its young ones.

How often do you feed little goldfish?

by little, do you mean young ones? 2 or 3 times a day, same as adults or big ones too

Could an alligator parent eat its own eggs?

No. Though male alligators would feed on their young ones.

How do you feed the smaller fish in your tank if the bigger fish eat all the food you throw first?

You can feed in a few different places and if you put sufficient food in, the smaller ones should get some.

Which are the birds which breast feed its smaller ones?

Only mammals nurse (breast feed) their young. The only flying mammals are bats.

Why whale is call a mammal but not a fish?

A whale is called a mammal but not a fish because they have lungs and viviparous and feed their young ones

How do penguins feed their babies?
