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Beans,flour,curing salt,most meat was hunted or the cow that was following the wagon's items had to be non perishable such as wheat and water was safe from streams rivers extra cause they didn't have oil gas extra to pollute the water supplies so even rain water was pretty much safe for drinking.

In return the could gather water to boil beans make bread and cows and goats where endless supply of milk for protien supplment.meat killed or slaughtered on the trail could be smoked and salt cured like jerky to keep for days,and dont for get fish from the streams lakes and natural spring fed ponds what was used for baits well grasshoppers and even hearts and livers from killed animals could be used but no likely as the liver and heart was cooked and eaten back then nothing went to waste.

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Q: What food did chuck wagons carry?
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What kind of food did the have in the 1840?

Chuck wagons, Macadamia Nuts, sugar cane, chicken, Indian Tea, chocolate go to food

What are facts about coverd wagons?

* Use wagon to carry people places. * To go to diffrent places. * wagons are also used to carry food. * Wagons wear use in a long time ago. * They were called wood and cloth. * Wagons might be slow but you wont get as much tierd as you get when you go walking. * In 4 wagons there could fit 20 persons. * Wagons are made out of wood. * People also use wagons to go camping. * Wagons are good to carry lots of thing inside them.

What did some people call the covered wagons of the pioneers?

"Chuck Wagons" other wise known as "Prairie Schooners"

What does a Jack wagon mean?

jack wagon means a person or thing that is annoying or bothersome or a wagon full of jacks. Chuck hates jack wagons and the jack wagons hate chuck right back because he is a lions fan.

What was in the wagons on the Santa Fe trail?

The wagons carried the food such as flour, sugar, bacon, and coffee. The trade items were also in the wagons.

Why were the covered wagons important you the westward expantion?

The Covered Wagons were made so the pioneers would not have to walk, and carry their belonging on their back. Some types of wagons are the Farm Imigrant Wagons, and the Conestoga Wagons. Also to get west.

Did vikings use wagons?

Yes, they used them to carry supplies and weapons.

Was roy rogers ever a member of The Chuck Wagon Gang?

I don't think Roy was ever member of The Chuck Wagon Gang. Unless he was with the wagons takes meals, he may have.

What was a chuck wagon and what did it carry?

A chuck wagon was the wagon that went along on wagon trains across the west and on cattle drives. It held the food, the cook, all the pots and pans, and everything else that was necessary to feed the crew.

What was the difference between Conestoga wagon and a Prairie Schooner?

They are essentially the same thing a covered type of wagon useful on the Western frontier. Prairie schooner was a colloquial term, Conestoga was a trade name for wagons. This is also the origin of the term Stogie for a cigar, the Conestoga also being a brand of cigars and having a(Chuck wagon) trade mark. one should distinguish between covered wagons in general- and Praire schooner implies a speed wagon, and Chuck Wagons (chuck being a cowboy term for food) which wee and are specifically commissary-oriented, and a must at the larger ranches. Conestoga type wagons and many other horse-drawn vehicles were made after l850 by an outfit in South Bend , Indiana known as Studebaker. this explains the wagon Wheel trademark a literal throwback to (Horse and Buggy). Studebaker supplied double-truck sleighs (big as trucks) to the Imperial Russian govt (presumably the Army and Police may have grabbed them up) in World war I/ some may well have been, err, shaklkl we say Ivan Wagons for the N.K.V.D.

Where did donkeys orignate?

They were first originated in Nubia. To pull large wagons and carry aquipment on there backs.

Why did the pioneers have wagons?

it was the only way to transport supplie that where to heavy to carry back in those days.