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Yes. Almost all (but not quite all) marsupials carry their young in a pouch, and most of these are pouches on their abdomen, like the kangaroo has. All members of the kangaroo family hop upright, carrying their joeys in their abdominal pouch. These animals include wallabies, wallaroos, potoroos, bettongs and rat-kangaroos.

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14y ago

This description covers most of the native animals in Australia. All but the native bats, a few native mice and rats, and the two monotremes - platypus and echidna - are marsupials, and most of these have pouches (not all marsupials have pouches). Animals it could be include wallaby, wallaroo, pademelon, bettong, wombat, koala, potoroo, bilby, possum and cuscus, among others.

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6y ago

Almost all marsupials carry their joeys in a pouch. This includes the koala, wombat, Tasmanian devil, quoll, possum and bandicoot, just to name a few.

In addition, the echidna develops a rudimentary pouch during breeding season in which it incubates its egg, and in which the young echidna stays until it develops spines.
Marsupials generally carry their young in a pouch, though not all marsupials do so. (The numbat, for example, is a marsupial without a pouch).

Specific examples of pouched mammals, besides the kangaroo, include:

  • wallaby
  • wallaroo
  • koala
  • wombat
  • Tasmanian devil
  • possum
  • quoll
  • potoroo
  • dunnart
  • bilby
  • antechinus
  • phascogale
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12y ago

Almost all marsupials carry their joeys in a pouch. This includes the koala, wombat, Tasmanian devil, quoll, possum and bandicoot, just to name a few.

In addition, the echidna develops a rudimentary pouch during breeding season in which it incubates its egg, and in which the young echidna stays until it develops spines.

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15y ago

Male seahorses carry their young in a pouch simillar to a kangaroo.

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Q: What fish carries its young in a pouch like a kangaroo?
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Do fish have pouches?

The male sea horse has a small pouch near his tail. The female sea horse deposits her eggs, up to 200 at one time, in the male's pouch, which is then sealed with a sticky secretion. The male carries around the eggs with him for about 45 days. Also the Opossum shrimp

How does algae fish have babies?

Algae fish, such as Seahorses, have a unique reproductive process where the male carries and protects the fertilized eggs in a specialized pouch until they are ready to hatch. The female deposits her eggs into the male's pouch, where they are fertilized and develop until they are released as fully formed baby fish.

What are facts about the salt water fish seahorse?

I can give you two facts. One is that they have evolved to live in very clean sea water, and will die if they are not in very pure water and another fact is that the parent who actually carries the young inside a pouch on its tummy is the male.

What animal suckless its young and carry to safe place?

All mammals suckle their young ones.

Do the fish leave the eggs after they are born?

It depends on the type of fish. Some fish, such as cod and herring, abandon their eggs after spawning. Salmon and trout cover their fertilised eggs with gravel but abandon them soon after. Among ocean fish, female seahorses and pipefish lay their eggs in a pouch on the underside of the male. The eggs hatch inside the male's pouch. Some fish, including certain ocean catfish and cardinal fish, carry their eggs in their mouth during the hatching period. In some species, the male carries the eggs. In other species, the female carries them. The males of a few species guard their young for a short time after they hatch. These fish include freshwater bass, bowfins, brown bullheads, Siamese fighting fish, and some sticklebacks. But most other fish provide no protection for their offspring.

Is a kangaroo a fish?

No, the kangaroo is a marsupial or known as a mammal. A fish isn't a mammal.

What male fish takes care of its young?

The male seahorse has a pouch, which the female will fill with unfertilised eggs - here the male with fertilise them. The male will keep the eggs there until he expels them from the pouch, as they begin to hatch.However from then on, as is usual with fish, the many tiny offspring are left to fend for themselves.

Is their a kangaroo fish?


Do fish have maternal or paternal care?

Only some do. For example, the seahorse carries eggs in its belly pouch. But the sand tiger shark makes its babies go away after it is born. The Animal Expert ;)

What male fish gets pregnant?

The male seahorse is the only known fish species where the male becomes pregnant and carries the embryos until they are born. The female deposits her eggs into the male's brood pouch, where they are fertilized and develop until birth.

Do male seahorses actually give birth?

because the female lays the egg in the males pouch and the male carys it weeks before the eggs hatchMale seahorses have a pouch on their stomachs. The female deposits up to 2,000 eggs in that pouch. Seahorses are unique in this; no other male fish or animals bears young. Zoologists think it evolved to help seahorses survive.Male seahorse do not give birth.The female seahorse lay eggs in the pouch of the male seahorse.The male seahorse carries the eggs until they hatch and swims out of the pouch of the male seahorse.That is why people think male seahorse give birthThey don't really. The female deposits the eggs in a pouch on the male's belly. He then carries the eggs until they hatch, and tiny, tiny seahorses swim out into the ocean.He doesn't "give birth". The female lays eggs in a pouch which the male has on the front of his belly. When the eggs hatch, the babies are released from the pouch and go on their way.

Why does the kangaroo belong in mammal group?

The koala is in the class Mammalia because it is a mammal. It is a warm blooded vertebrate with fur, like most land-dwelling mammals; it breathes air through its lungs (as opposed to gills, which fish use); above all, it feeds its young on mothers' milk, which is the defining characteristic of a mammal.