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A vizsla is a breed of dog. It is a red hunting dog.

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Dog that starts with V?


What has the author Gay Gottlieb written?

Gay Gottlieb has written: 'The Complete Hungarian Vizsla (Book of the Breed)' 'The complete Hungarian Vizsla' 'The complete vizsla' -- subject(s): Vizsla

Where did the dog breed Vizsla originate?

Vizsla is a breed of dog that first originated in Hungary. The Vizsla is a medium-sized sporting and hunting dog, which has also become known for its suitability for being a family dog.

Is a vizsla big?

I have a vizsla and they are medium about up to your knees supposed to weigh 65-70 pounds mine weighs 60

What was the Vizsla first bred for?

for hunting

Is the Vizsla dog good with children?


Was there a Vizsla in the Justin Bieber movie?

yes she was

Is the Vizsla in the AKC Sporting Group?

Yes, the Hungarian Vizsla is classed in the American Kennel Club Sporting Group, although it is in the Gundog Group in the UK.

Where can you find vizsla?

South Side Dogs

Words starting in viz?

vizier. viziership. vizor. vizsla.

How big will a vizsla be at 10 weeks?

About 30 CM high

Dog breeds that start with v?

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