foot, cleft, paw, tramp
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This one is a combination of "tramp" and "vamoose." It means to wander, to tramp about.
Hoof your forehead means you have a big forehead.
is means you tramp is means you tramp
it means a big group of
it means it has no family
it means a big group of
Pigs, sheep and cattle have cloved hooves, which means that there are two parts to the hoof. Horses just have one big hoof
Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! A saddle tramp was a cowboy who spent most of his time in the food line. This isn't a compliment.
Hooves meaning an animal's feet? It is the plural of hoof which is a foot with a hard hornlike surface or surfaces protecting the flesh and bone. The hoof is made of a similar substance to our toenails but is much thicker and harder.
Bacterial infection of the hoof, which primarily occurs in the frog of the hoof, not the actual hoof.
German. "Huf" means "hoof" and "nagel" means "nail". hoofs-nail.