What is a maui dolphin?
Maui dolphins are subspecies of the Hector's Dolphin. They are
endemic to New Zealand. The only difference between the Hector's
and the Maui is the location off of New Zealand where they live.
The Maui Dolphin lives off of North Island of New Zealand and the
Hector's Dolphin live more off of the South Island of New Zealand.
They are the smallest dolphin in the world, measuring about the
size of a small child. The Maui/Hector's Dolphin is also the rarest
species of dolphinin the world. They are critically endangered
because they are victims of bycatching, bottom trawling, and
several other risks. There is less than 500 left. If they do become
endangered, New Zealand will be the first country to wipe out a
whole population of a marine mammal.