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Jackals are omnivorous and can change their diet depending on available food. They mostly eat insects, berries, and small mammals like rodents, but will sometimes form a pack to hunt larger prey. They are commonly mistaken for eating mostly carrion, which is actually only a small portion of their diet. Jackals are not really picky when it comes to food, they just eat things that they can eat like: young Gazelles, rodents, rabbits, birds, eggs, reptiles, fish, insects, and fruit. And occasionally they eat road kill.

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13y ago

Some of the foods jackals consume include:

  • Small Rodents
  • Invertebrates such as Spiders or scorpions
  • Hares
  • Young Antelopes
  • Carrion
  • Lizards
  • Snakes
  • Beached Marine Animals (in coastal areas)
  • Dik-Diks
  • Thompson's Gazelle
  • Impala
  • Frogs
  • Various Birds including pheasants and ducks

The list below is the combined diet of more than one jackal species. Diet from species to species might vary slightly.

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Things that eat Jackals include leopards, hyena's, and eagles.

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well jackals don't eat humans

What kind of plants do jackals eat?

Jackals are omnivorous, meaning they eat plants and animals. They aren't picky, so just about any fresh fruit they find, if they're hungry, they will eat.

Does a jackal eat a deer?

Jackals might eat deer fawns, if there were any in the jackal's range. Jackals are small - 30 lbs for males, a little less for females - so an adult deer is out of the question. Jackals seem to prefer small burrowing animals.

What eats jackall?

Things that eat Jackals include leopards, hyena's, and eagles.

What aardwolves eat?

Leopards, Huge Owls, Other Hyenas And Black Backed Jackals Eat Aardwolves.

Is a jackal a secondary composer?

Jackals are secondary consumers, which means they eat other consumers.