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it could mean a number of things 1 if the dog is doing this by a door they may be telling you they have to go outside. 2 they might be doing it as a stretch after a long nap. 3 it might also mean that they want to play

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Q: What does it mean when your dog is pawing at the ground?
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When a horse is biting its sides pawing the ground and graoning it may be suffering from what?

Laminitis or colic, both very serious illnesses. Call vet immediatly

Your horse has been rolling around on the ground for the past 6 hours that you know of What is wrong?

It could be colic ,When he/she is standing are they pawing the ground or kicking their tummy. All horses react differently to pain the same as humans.

What signs are there if a horse is bored?

stall pacing, swaying from side to side, somrtimes cribbing, constantly pawing the ground. you can put new toys in a stall to keep him occupied.

What are some of the sign that a horse has eaten a poisonous plant?

The most popular signs are the horse is ether rolling or pawing the ground continuously. If they do this call a vet right away.

Can certain dog food affect a dogs character?

Yes, I have a collie named Nikki and she didn't like her dog food, so she wouldn't eat or play. And she started to act strangely by refusing to go outside and pawing her nose a lot.

The first time a horse is tied to learn to stand patiently what are some common reactions the youngster may have?

* Rearing * Neighing * Pawing the ground * Pacing * Pulling on rope OR Setting back * Snorting

How do you teach a dog to stop putting his paws up on you?

Don't try to stop your dog from pawing when a dog paws you it is a sign a love and affection same with cats the dog is just showing you some love it also reminds them of when they were puppies