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It happened to my dog too and I asked my dog's usual vet and she said that there must be a bug in your ceiling or in your attic but if you live in apartments then the people who live above you either smell bad or they are making too much noise ok I hope that helped you like it helped me = D.

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Q: What does it mean when your dog is looking toward the ceiling and barking?
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What does it mean if you're dog is barking?

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A coombed ceiling is a ceiling which slopes downward.

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in this instance a ceiling would indicate a limit

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tis is the kind of ceiling that is made below the original one for a particular purpose

Can I mount my TV on the ceiling?

When mounting a television to the ceiling, one does need some specific equipment. The first would be the mounting apparatus one plans to use, as well as cables and hook-ups long enough to reach, and a variety of tools.