It means nothing, I'm sure people say it means bad luck but its not true its only bad luck when you give it the power for it to be bad. Just think people own cats everywhere and nothing bad happens. So it means nothing.
AnswerIt could mean they smelled food in your house and were attracted to it, or they are looking for a warm place. Cats like very warm places. Or they could be looking for a mate, if you have or have had a cat in your home before that they can still smell the scent of. Or it could just be the curiosity of cats; they like to explore new places. AnswerIn my opinion, I think it means that it is either hungry or it a sign that it needs a home. If it did actually happen to you, then give it a home. But if you hate cats, find someone that will love it. AnswerIt probably is a female cat. The cat may be pregnant and needs a warm cosy place as shelter for itself and for its offsprings.It means there is a cat at your front door. Possibly it means that, if you have a cat, your cat is doing something that smells interesting; or that you are doing something that smells interesting; or that the cat is hungry, or thinks he is, and has decided to see if you are a soft touch. Cats are only animals, there is no deeper meaning to their actions.
If you have a boy cat, that probably means that she has mated with your cat.
it mean a house dreamed like a old cat
house of prostitution.
you mean a cattery?
House cat
all your cat is doing is telling u whats his so he obviously owns your house
House cat
to express fellings
That it's hungry.
A cat's house is commonly referred to as a "cat shelter," "cat condo," "cat tree," or simply a "cat house."
In "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back," the Cat in the Hat tries to get rid of a pink stain that has spread throughout the house. He uses a series of increasingly larger items and creatures to clean up the stain, creating more chaos in the process.
Gatito means Kitty/kitten =) It comes from gato = cat