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When a rabbit clicks its teeth, that means it is happy! Usually when an animal chatters its teeth its a warning, but the rabbit is a happy fellow! Also, when a rabbit tries to nibble you, its another way to show that he/she likes you!

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If it is shivering as well it means either they're too hot, too cold, or scared. Keep in mind they are one of the very few animals that can die of fright but don't worry about it.

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Q: What does it mean when a rabbit clicks their teeth?
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How many teeth does a dwarf rabbit have?

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alyson hannigan has buck teeth and so does jessica simpson and even lady gaga!. Buck teeth is like the kind of teeth you would see a rabbit have. Type in 'Buck Teeth' on google and you will see what I mean. My teacher assistant has this type of teeth, she looks like a mixed human and rabbit! There are even buck teeth placifiers for babies too!!

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What type of teeth does a rabbit have?

They have teeth for eating plants so they're herbivores.

Why dwarf rabbit's teeth STOPPED growing and are completely worn out almost disappeared?

Your rabbit might be very old. If your rabbit isn't, check with your vet immediately! Teeth are very important to rabbits!

How many teeth has the rabbit?

10 million

What douse beavers teeth look like?

they ar elike rabbit teeth but yellow

What does it mean when a guinea pig makes a crunching noise?

when a guinea pig clicks their teeth or their teeth start to chatter, that means that whatever you are doing or they are by they DO NOT LIKE. when they click their teeth they are trying to warn you to stay away because they are going to bite or be aggresive. you can go to the website for more information!

When a rabbit bangs is teeth together is it good or bad?

When a rabbit bangs its teeth together, it is usually a sign of agitation, fear, or pain. This behavior, known as "tooth purring," can indicate that the rabbit is stressed or in discomfort. It is essential to identify the underlying cause and address the issue to ensure the well-being of the rabbit.

What is unusual about a rabbits teeth?

Rabbit teeth are different from a dog's or cat's because they constantly grow.