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It is wagging it's tail for three different reasons. 1) It might be because of training at the pet shop before you got it, 2) It may be wagging because of the cold. Mine wagged its tail when it was cold. If it is cold I'm sorry, it is dying or 3) Nerves. They do it self-consciously sometimes.

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if you mean when you hold them or when they swizzle in their sand baths it's because they use it to move their spine so when they struggle and roll they wiggle their tails

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It means they are happy or feeling playful.

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Q: Why does my gerbil wag its tail?
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how many times does a dog wag his tail?

they wag i]their tail 3 to 4 a secnd and 31536000 a year

Why does a gerbil need a tail?

Self Defence in the wild = When a predator got the gerbil the gerbil losses hair on tail and if needed the tail pops of so the predator will eat the tail and the gerbil will get a chance to run away ,its like with a leopard gecko

DO bulldogs wag there tail?

Yes, Bulldogs wag their tail and it's the cutest thing because their tails are like little "nubs."

How do you do an experiment proving that dogs wag their tails for certain reasons?

they wag there tail cause there happy

Is holding a gerbil by the tail bad for it?

Only if you hold by the very tip. Other wise, your gerbil won't be hurt by you holding it by its tail.

What is an elephant shrews tail used for?

too wag his tail to get rid of the flies

How do you wag your tail in WolfQuest?

In WolfQuest, your wolf will automatically wag its tail in response to certain situations, such as when you are exploring and are near other animals or when you are in a social interaction with other wolves. The tail wagging animation is not something you can manually control in the game.

How do you now when your dog is happy?

it will wag its tail or lick you

What has tail it can't wag and a head with no brains?

A line.

Can a gerbil's tail come off?


What do you do when your gerbil loses her tail?

Take it to your vet!

Is there a type of gerbil with a stubby tail?
