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Perhaps you desire something so much that you are ignoring the important things in life.

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Q: What does it mean to have a dream where dying cats and kittens are in it that were hit by a car and I walk past them looking for a certain kitten that is not mine in real life?
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What does a kitten in a dream mean?

if u have a kitten in your dream it means u were thinking about kittens before u fell asleep

When do kittens start to dream?

Kittens start to dream at approximately three weeks of age. Scientific studies carried out at the Bennett Institute in Minnesota USA, have proven beyond a doubt that kittens dream just as vividly as human babies.

What does sweeney todd dream of?

I would imagine that he dreams of sickly looking English women, straight razors and shaving cream, blood and revenge quite a bit…perhaps the occasional nice dream of kittens though.

What does it mean to dream of a mother cat and a single kitten?

The mother cat represents yourself, while the single kitten represents something that is important to you. This might be an assignment or project, or an important relationship that you are committed to developing.

What does your bad dream mean?

My dream was that I was at my house and I had two kittens from this litter from one of my cats we had to give up. Well, my step-dad told me to snap the kittens necks and take them to the closest gas station(I don't know). I couldn't help it, and I did. I got one, but couldn't get the other. What does it mean?The kittens are symbols for aspects (parts) of yourself. The step-dad in your dream is also a symbol, and could represent any authority, from your parents to your school, church, government, or even the mature part of yourself. The dream is describing your emotions in an exaggerated, highly dramatic story. Being forced to "kill the kittens" represents your grief at having to lose or sacrifice or perhaps simply control different parts of your personality. Perhaps you realize that you are becoming too old for some favorite childhood game - that might be something that you feel bad about losing. Or perhaps you realize that you must stop thinking of yourself as a child; that could feel as if you were "killing a kitten." Or perhaps you know that certain friends are a bad influence on you and that you need to avoid those people. "Killing the kittens" could represent a difficult decision to end those relationships.

What does your bad mean?

My dream was that I was at my house and I had two kittens from this litter from one of my cats we had to give up. Well, my step-dad told me to snap the kittens necks and take them to the closest gas station(I don't know). I couldn't help it, and I did. I got one, but couldn't get the other. What does it mean?The kittens are symbols for aspects (parts) of yourself. The step-dad in your dream is also a symbol, and could represent any authority, from your parents to your school, church, government, or even the mature part of yourself. The dream is describing your emotions in an exaggerated, highly dramatic story. Being forced to "kill the kittens" represents your grief at having to lose or sacrifice or perhaps simply control different parts of your personality. Perhaps you realize that you are becoming too old for some favorite childhood game - that might be something that you feel bad about losing. Or perhaps you realize that you must stop thinking of yourself as a child; that could feel as if you were "killing a kitten." Or perhaps you know that certain friends are a bad influence on you and that you need to avoid those people. "Killing the kittens" could represent a difficult decision to end those relationships.

What does it mean looking for your boyfriend in your dream but never find him?

what dose it mean when i dream im looking for my boyfriend in my dream but i never find him

Where can one find Manx kittens?

The easiest way to find Manx kittens is to look for them online, as many websites sell this breed to potential owners. Popular websites to find these kittens at are OregonManx, Dey Dream Manx, Petfinder, and KarelloManx.

What does it means when you dream of your friends with benefits and looking for you in your dreams?

The dream suggests that you are looking for a more meaningful relationship with these friends.

What does nursing a kitten mean in your dream?

As written, the question might refer to "nursing" in the sense of caring for an ill kitten, or "nursing" in the sense of breastfeeding. Either way, the dream suggests caring and nurturing feelings toward something helpless and vulnerable; perhaps something not valued by others.

What if your a dream your a dream your a dream who sings this song?

the everly brothers wrote a song called "all i have to do is dream" is that what your looking for?

What do dead kittens in a dream mean?

The kittens in this dream symbolize something that was dear to you or that you found attractive. They may refer to something that was weak and helpless or something that was quite new and vulnerable, such as a new relationship. Whatever that had been is now over. It is time to let go of it, mourn if necessary, then move on.