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It means it feels uncomfortable. With hamsters, biting is used as self defence. I had a hamster, and when I first got him he bit me a lot. The proper way to deal with this is the following:

1) Hold him every day to make him feel secure (Make sure you are carrying all of his legs).

2) When he bites you stay calm and don't freak out, just try again (Screaming will scare the hamster even more).


4) Cages are a hamster's home, so he may bite you. It's like a giant broke into your home and tried to lift you out of it. So try step 2 and eventually that hamster will get used to you.

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Q: What does it mean if your dwarf hamster has a red nose and keeps biting you all the time?
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Your hamster is probably a russian winter white dwarf, they change color when it's cold.

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by normal, if you mean sirian hamsters then the main difference is that Chinese hamsters belong to the dwarf hamster species, which are considerably smaller and arent as friendly (believe me, i know, i own two!).